Instrument Cluster Clamps
If your instrument cluster has been removed and reinstalled more than a couple time, you're probably familiar with how old and brittle this plastic is. Particulary troublesome is where the plastic breaks away at the four mounting points.
The solution? Apply these clamps which hold down the entire end of the cluster with two screws at each end. You could have the whole corner busted off your cluster and these will fix it right up. Made from high-strength PETG (Polyethylene terephthalate glycol) material. |
Sold in pairs. Includes new screws with a nice wide head surface to distribute the screw pressure.
"Received these today, they seem really nice and solid...and new hardware included!
My cluster is broken beyond the little tab repairs (I've tried that to no avail), this is the best, and frankly only solution I have seen on the market to date.
Well done, cheers"
- Phil
"Received these today, they seem really nice and solid...and new hardware included!
My cluster is broken beyond the little tab repairs (I've tried that to no avail), this is the best, and frankly only solution I have seen on the market to date.
Well done, cheers"
- Phil
Instrument Cluster Clamps (Pair)
This product based on an initial design by Chris P Duck, 2018. Design adaptions were made in this VANAVATION product.